We encourage participation in the Liturgy by as many people as there are those wanting to help. Parishioners are invited to join the rosters for assisting at Mass:
- Communion Ministers
- Altar Servers
- Readers of Scripture and Leaders in Prayer
- Offering Collectors and Presenters of Sacrificial Gifts
Training is available where appropriate. For others, there are many practical ways to assist in keeping the parish operating well, such as:
- Cleaning and Polishing
- Gardening
- Serving of Morning Tea after Mass
St Mary’s Music
The musicians at St Mary’s support the ministry of our parish and central deanery through liturgical music, concert music, vocal workshops, and other social events. St Mary’s church is an outstanding small concert venue, particularly for chamber groups, and soloists, and has a fine musical tradition. St Mary’s has been host to Brisbane Biennial concerts, visiting composers, and guest artists.
Liturgical Music
St Mary’s has two choirs which minister at Sunday 9 am and 5 pm masses. Choirs rehearse an hour before each mass. All are welcome to sing if they can attend rehearsal, and learn the music at home. Instruments we have parts for include organ, piano, guitar, and violin. If you would like to get involved talk to one of the musicians after Sunday mass or contact the parish office.