Welcome to St Mary’s Catholic Parish in South Brisbane. St Mary’s church is one of the finest Italian Romanesque and Renaissance churches in Brisbane. It was built in 1893. It is a place of prayer, healing and celebration. St Mary’s Parish is a Christ-centred Eucharistic community in which people of many cultures worship God and inspire each other to live the Gospel message. Our Mission is to know Christ and to make Him known; to be a community committed to discovering Christ present in each person through our ministry to each other, our service to the wider community, the joyful celebration of the Eucharist and other Sacraments, and our active concern for pastoral care. St Mary’s church is dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mary, Queen of heaven and earth, invites all who enter this sanctuary to appreciate their own fundamental worth and destiny. We are brothers and sisters beyond all distinctions of race, religion, nationality or economic class. Here we encounter the gracious mystery within whose presence we journey through life.
Assumpta Est Maria
Ora pro nobis.
Who are the Capuchins?
The Capuchin friars are one of the largest men’s Religious Orders in the Church, with about 11,000 friars in over 100 countries. We are officially called the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin: ‘Friars Minor’ meaning ‘Lesser Brothers’. We strive to live the Gospel as a fraternity of priests and brothers, praying together as a community, being a source of nourishment and strength for each other so as to go out and share God’s love with others.

The Parish Team

Fr Joshy Parappully OFM Cap
Parish Priest

Deacon Adam Walk
Parish Deacon

Sr Salvation Bunao SFI
Parish Pastoral Co-ordinator

Mrs Niken Westerman
Parish Secretary
Finance Council

Dianne Ezzy
Chair Finance Council

Cheryl Caughley
Finance Council

Don Battams
Finance Council
Pastoral Council

Fr Joshy Parappully OFM Cap
Parish Priest

Deacon Adam Walk
Parish Deacon

Sr Salvation Bunao SFI
Parish Pastoral Co-ordinator

Margaret Hrstich
Pastoral Council

Mrs Christine Bolger
Safeguarding Officer and
Chair Pastoral Council